The BMWP's work covers products that are already authorised through the centralised or mutual-recognition procedures, and those being developed. It works together with other CHMP working parties and scientific advisory groups, and co-operates with regulatory authorities in the Member States.

The tasks of the BMWP include:

  • preparing, reviewing and updating guidelines to ensure that similarity and comparability issues are fully addressed;
  • providing scientific advice to the CHMP and Scientific Advice Working Party on general and product-specific matters relating to the efficacy and safety of biosimilar medicinal products and to the comparability of biological and biotechnological medicinal products;
  • contributing to international co-operation with other regulatory authorities;
  • liaising with interested parties;
  • contributing to comparability-related workshops and training.

Mandate, rules of procedure and work programme

The updated mandate and rules of procedure will be published once available.

Information on this working party's responsibilities and composition is available in the documents below:


The BMWP is composed of experts selected from the list of European experts maintained by the Agency. Up to eight experts, nominated by the CHMP according to their specific scientific expertise or regulatory experience constitute the BMWP's core group.

Additional experts from other CHMP working parties or scientific advisory groups may also be invited to participate in the work of the BMWP, as may observers from countries outside the European Economic Area.


Below (in alphabetical order of surname) are the current members of the BMWP. The members' declarations of interests are available in the European expert list.

  • René Anour (Chair)
  • Niklas Ekman (Vice-Chair)
  • Sarah Gilgunn
  • Nils Jost
  • Alexandre Moreau
  • Sine Buhl Naess-Schmidt
  • Pavel Simek
  • Roeland Martijn Van der Plas
  • Henrik Wahlstrom
  • Martina Weise

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