
Wednesday, 01 March 2023, 09:00 (CET) - 16:45 (CET)


European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


HMA/EMA multi-stakeholder workshop on shortages

Event summary

The aims of the EMA and HMA workshop on the activities on medicine shortages and initiatives are to:

  • inform stakeholders about the HMA/EMA Task Force activities on medicines shortages and availability and interfaces with other initiatives;
  • update stakeholders on progress with the Task Force deliverables and identify areas of agreement as well as areas for further discussion;
  • share stakeholders’ perspectives and (ongoing/planned) initiatives to address availability issues and discuss how these can contribute to the future deliverables of the Task Force.

HMA/EMA Task Force was established by EU regulators in 2016 to develop and coordinate actions for better prevention, identification, management of and communication on issues that can affect the availability of medicines, in order to improve continuity of supply of human and veterinary medicines across Europe.

Video recordings

Day 1:

Session 1: Setting the scene


Breakout session 2A: Immunoglobulins


Breakout session 2B: Biosimilars


Breakout session 2C: Medicines for veterinary use


Day 2:

Welcome and summary of day 1


Session 3: Prevention of shortages


Session 4: Permanent withdrawals from the market


Session 5: Communication and transparency


Session 6: Work ahead to 2025


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