Funding is available for studies on medicines that are not covered by a patent or a supplementary protection certificate in accordance with the Paediatric Regulation. This funding is provided through the European Union Framework Programmes for the development of medicines, with a view to the submission of an application for a paediatric-use marketing authorisation.

Priority list

In 2009, the European Medicines Agency's Paediatric Committee (PDCO) adopted a priority list of off-patent medicinal products for which studies are required, as a basis for the seventh call of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

The priority aimed to ensure that funds were directed into research on medicines with the highest need in the paediatric population.

The seventh call was the final call within FP7.

Preparations for Horizon 2020

Preparations for the next programme, Horizon 2020, are underway. It is not possible to provide further information on the availability, timing or organisation of future calls involving paediatric medicines.

As a result, the Agency adopted a revised provisional priority list in July 2013 after a public consultation. The list provides a basis for any future funding within the Horizon 2020 programme.

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