EMA and the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) use the European Union Network Training Centre (EU NTC) to share knowledge, enhance professional development and promote the exchange of good practices across the network by offering scientific and regulatory training opportunities to all network staff.

The platform makes it possible to pool resources and harness expertise available in regulatory authorities in different EU countries to develop high quality, relevant training offers for the benefit of the entire regulatory network.

How the EU NTC works

The EU NTC makes use of the training resources of the European medicines regulatory network in several ways:

  • National competent authorities can include their training offer in the common EU NTC training catalogue accessible to all network staff.
  • Experts can help develop training resources within curriculum frameworks set up via the EU NTC, to deliver a comprehensive training in specific knowledge areas. 

All the training offers can be conveniently accessed by all network staff through a single digital platform.

The initiative involves EMA's committees and working parties to assess learning needs and adapt curriculum frameworks accordingly. This ensures that the training offers respond to evolving needs.

It also provides support to training organisers by advising on training design, development and delivery. This helps enhance the quality of training and ensures it meets objectives.

Who can access EU NTC training

The EU NTC's training offer is open to the following people:

  • All staff of the European medicines regulatory network.
  • External experts involved in EU regulatory procedures and EMA activities (e.g. experts working for an EMA scientific committee who are not affiliated with a national competent authority).

On a pilot basis, some EU NTC training materials are also accessible to international regulators and may become available to a wider audience.

Some training materials are publicly accessible. For more information, see the 'Publicly accessible training' section on this page.

How to access EU NTC training

Network staff and other eligible users (as described above) can access the EU NTC Learning Management Systems (LMS):

New users should complete the account request form.

Publicly accessible training

EMA provides public access to a number of its training materials.

Tailored training opportunities and resources are available for the following stakeholder groups:

Tailored training opportunities and resources are available in the following topic areas:

To search EMA's training events and workshops, you can use the event search functionality on this website:

For access to recordings of EMA training events and workshops, you can visit our YouTube channel:

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