The European Medicines Agency (EMA) offers training to support stakeholders in meeting their pharmacovigilance obligations when using EudraVigilance. Training is important to ensure that users understand its functionalities and submit high quality data which adhere to standards that allow for adequate monitoring of the safety of medicines and the...

HumanRegulatory and procedural guidancePharmacovigilanceResearch and development

Massive amounts of data are generated on a daily basis that could potentially be harnessed to support medicines regulation. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) set up a joint task force to describe the big data landscape from a regulatory perspective and identify practical steps for the European medicines...

HumanVeterinaryCorporateData on medicinesInnovationResearch and development

EudraVigilance is a system for monitoring the safety of medicines. Its components facilitate electronic reporting of suspected adverse reactions related to medicines and the effective analysis of data. This enables the early detection of potential safety issues.

HumanRegulatory and procedural guidancePharmacovigilanceResearch and development

A range of services is available from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) and European Commission to support innovative medicines and associated technology developments in the European Union (EU).

HumanVeterinaryRegulatory and procedural guidanceInnovationResearch and developmentScientific advice
VeterinaryRegulatory and procedural guidanceInnovationResearch and developmentScientific guidelines

The EU Innovation Network (EU-IN) is a working group established to support the European Medicines Regulatory Network (EMRN) in facilitating the development of innovative medicines and associated technologies in the European Union (EU).

HumanVeterinaryRegulatory and procedural guidanceInnovationResearch and developmentScientific advice