About this medicine
- Approved name
- Sortis
- International non-proprietary name (INN) or common name
- atorvastatin
- Associated names
- Lipitor
- Zarator
- Orbeos
- Tahor
- Liprimar
- Atorvastatin
- Atorvastatina
- Edovin
- Obradon
- Xarator
- Torvast
- Totalip
- Texzor
- Cardyl
- Prevencor
About this procedure
- Current status
- European Commission final decision
- Reference number
- EMEA/H/A-29 PAD/1253
- Type
- Article 29 paediatrics
This type of procedure may be triggered by a marketing-authorisation holder when applying for a new indication, new pharmaceutical form or new route of administration for use in children for a product authorised under Directive 2001/83/EC.
Key dates and outcomes
- CHMP opinion date
- 18/03/2010
- EC decision date
- 01/07/2010