The documents on this web page are data protection notices. They outline the legal grounds for EMA's data processing operations.
EMA collects and handles personal data in various situations and processes these data in line with EU law.
For details on how this website handles personal data, see:
EMA only collects personal data to the extent necessary to perform its tasks.
The documents explain the purpose of collecting personal data and if EMA shares the data it collects with third parties. They also highlight what you can do to object to these processes.
Also on this topic
European Medicines Agency's data protection notice for the handling of data subjects’ requests
English (EN) (160.69 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the Cisco Webex meetings and Webex events participants
English (EN) (284.78 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice For the electronic EMA newsletters published via Newsroom
English (EN) (240.99 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the EMA Help Desk
English (EN) (264.13 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's data protection notice concerning the Annual ESVAC Network meeting on 3 May 2022
English (EN) (152.68 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's data protection notice concerning the VMP-Reg stakeholders meetings
English (EN) (154.2 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's privacy statement for media professionals
English (EN) (199.04 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for managed print services
English (EN) (185.12 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for electronic newsletters
English (EN) (131.7 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the Information Centre
English (EN) (122.37 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's privacy statement for the organisation of meetings and events
English (EN) (150.02 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for recording of telephone calls to the EMA official telephone number received at the EMA switchboard
English (EN) (199.51 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's data protection notice concerning the Multistakeholder Workshop on EMA extended mandate on 1 April 2022
English (EN) (120.46 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the processing of personal data contained in the Agency’s historical records selected for permanent preservation and opening to the public
English (EN) (165.5 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for publication of contact details of industry representatives in Agile teams
English (EN) (130.82 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the procedure for handling and reporting internally potential fraud and irregularities
English (EN) (134.98 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the Network Portfolio website with details of network representatives in Agile teams
English (EN) (129.53 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s Privacy Statement for the provision of hotel and travel services through the Agency’s online booking tool
English (EN) (209.15 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the operation of video-surveillance (CCTV) system
English (EN) (256.62 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice regarding the experts database and the handling of competing interests of scientific committees’ members and experts
English (EN) (258.49 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency privacy statement for the publication of post-employment decisions regarding senior staff (Article 16 of Staff Regulations)
English (EN) (206.13 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the pre-employment medical examination
English (EN) (189.06 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's privacy statement for selection and recruitment
English (EN) (247.36 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's data protection notice for the processing of personal data in the context of public procurement procedures
English (EN) (203.38 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement on the processing of personal data in the context of administrative inquiries and disciplinary proceedings
English (EN) (239.12 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the EMA individual experts’ stakeholder database
This privacy statement provides details on how the European Medicines Agency (hereinafter “EMA” or “Agency”) will process your personal data that submitted for the purpose of registering in the EMA individual experts’ stakeholder database (hereinafter “Database”).
English (EN) (203.86 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement concerning public hearings at the European Medicines Agency
This privacy statement provides details on how the European Medicines Agency (hereinafter “EMA” or “Agency”) will process your personal data that you have submitted for the purpose of attending a public hearing at EMA’s safety committee, the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC).
English (EN) (147.45 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for legal entity and bank account validation
English (EN) (138.35 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the visitor management application
English (EN) (180.59 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for parking access and record of lost and found items (Filemaker internal security database)
English (EN) (221.08 KB - PDF)
Human medicine
European Medicines Agency's data protection notice on the study of the “Natural history of coagulopathy in COVID-19 patients and persons vaccinated against SARS-CoV- during the Omicron period”
English (EN) (199.45 KB - PDF)
français (FR) (224.87 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the Antimicrobials Sales and Use platform
English (EN) (204.23 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for grant procedures
English (EN) (131.93 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the user test of the Critical Medical Device Shortages (CMDS) system
English (EN) (132.46 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the clinical study data proof-of-concept pilot
English (EN) (148.22 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection on notice for certificates of medicinal products
English (EN) (191.96 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice concerning the processing of patient and product traceability data for Zynteglo following the withdrawal of the marketing authorisation
English (EN) (159.27 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the processing of the contact points of scientific committees (CXMP) members/alternates’ for internal use by the same committees
English (EN) (183.1 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the clinical data publication website
English (EN) (142.94 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the Industry Single Point of Contact (i-SPOC) system
English (EN) (153.44 KB - PDF)
Privacy statement concerning European Medicines Agency’s public stakeholder meetings on COVID-19 vaccines
English (EN) (119.21 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP) Resource Database
English (EN) (132.04 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement public and targeted consultations
English (EN) (134.32 KB - PDF)
Information technology (IT)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the audiovisual tool for checking presence in meeting rooms
English (EN) (173.11 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for Scientific Explorer
English (EN) (221.94 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the exploration of the DEEP platform
English (EN) (203.73 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's data protection notice for the Security Operation Centre (SOC)
English (EN) (230.1 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for for the use of Microsoft applications: OneDrive, Outlook 365, Teams and SharePoint
English (EN) (288.28 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's data protection notice for Microsoft Edge
English (EN) (276.62 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's data protection notice for use of Microsoft Intune for personal and corporate-owned devices
English (EN) (224.87 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the European Union (EU) Metadata Catalogue
English (EN) (202.28 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the operation of the Security Access Control System
English (EN) (238.67 KB - PDF)
European Medicine Agency's data protection notice for the Interactive Regulatory Information System (IRIS)
English (EN) (183.21 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice use of personal data as part of the emergency mass notification system
English (EN) (174.2 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the use of Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Online pilot users (obsolete)
European Medicines Agency’s Privacy Statement for the use of Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Online pilot users
English (EN) (710.84 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement concerning requests for information or access to documents
European Medicines Agency’s Privacy Statement concerning requests for information or access to documents
English (EN) (168.57 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the EMA Account Management system
English (EN) (139.55 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the Referentials Management System (RMS) activities
English (EN) (165.5 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for regulatory science and innovation task force (TRS) activities
English (EN) (160.19 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s Data Protection Notice For the Risk Management Plans Publication Process
English (EN) (207.5 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's privacy statement for SME status applications submitted by natural persons
English (EN) (104.52 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the EU Innovation Network
English (EN) (203.07 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the Regulatory Science Strategy interviews
English (EN) (188.79 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Office activities
English (EN) (199.9 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for validation of proof of establishment when natural persons apply for orphan designation or a transfer of an orphan designation
English (EN) (202.88 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for EudraVigilance Human (EV)
English (EN) (267.37 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the HMA-EMA Catalogue of real-world data studies
English (EN) (238.2 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's data protection notice for the HMA-EMA Catalogue of real-world data sources (and networks and institutions)
English (EN) (208.02 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the European Union electronic Register of Post-Authorisation Studies (EU PAS Register)
English (EN) (143.5 KB - PDF)
Veterinary medicine
European Medicines Agency data protection notice concerning the 3rd Veterinary Stakeholder Forum on 23 November 2023
English (EN) (155.53 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency data protection notice concerning the EMA Veterinary Awareness Day event on 12-13 September 2023
English (EN) (155.68 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency's data protection notice concerning the Veterinary Info Day meeting on 16-17 February 2023
English (EN) (162.35 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency data protection notice concerning the Veterinary Info Day meeting on 12-13 May 2022
English (EN) (153.82 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s data protection notice for the Union Product Database
English (EN) (200.29 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for the usability testing of the restricted area of the Union Product Database
English (EN) (188.53 KB - PDF)
European Medicines Agency’s privacy statement for user research for the design of the Union Product Database
English (EN) (181.88 KB - PDF)