The European Medicines Agency (EMA) will physically relocate to the Netherlands in early March 2019. The Dutch authorities have already officially handed over the temporary building, the Spark building in Amsterdam Sloterdijk, to EMA’s Executive Director Guido Rasi on 9 January 2019 and EMA is now preparing for its physical move. Whilst relocating, the Agency has to ensure the continuation of its main activities throughout the move and has implemented phase 4 of its European Medicines Agency Brexit Preparedness Business Continuity Plan(BCP) accordingly. The focus will be on the authorisation, maintenance and supervision of medicines, ongoing Brexit preparedness/implementation activities and preparing for the implementation of the new veterinary legislation (highest priority – category 1 activities). In addition, in 2019 EMA has prioritised continued work on certain activities in its multiannual work programme which are summarised in EMA activities, other than the highest priority activities (category 1 activities), that will continue in 2019 - Annex 1.
Focusing on these activities as part of BCP phase 4 should allow the Agency to cope with the anticipated staff loss of 25% of its total workforce and ensure the continued delivery of EMA’s services at high quality during peak relocation time.
In April 2019, once the Agency has completed its move to the Spark building in Amsterdam, the Agency will review which other activities from the multiannual work plan can be resumed in the second half of 2019.
Move to the temporary premises
EMA will leave its premises in London on 1 March 2019.
From 4 to 8 March, the Agency will operate on the basis of extended teleworking. During this week a small number of staff will be present in the new building to deal with any emergencies should the need arise. During the course of the following week (11-15 March) EMA staff will gradually move into the Spark building.
Change of address
From 4 March 2019 onwards the official address of EMA will be that of the permanent building, located in Amsterdam Zuidas:
European Medicines Agency, Domenico Scarlattilaan 6, 1083 HS Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Meetings and visits will take place at the Spark building:
Orlyplein 24, 1043 DP Amsterdam, The Netherlands
For regular mailings and consignments that require signature upon delivery please check the 'How to find us’ section on EMA’s website.
Meetings during 2019
As of 15 March 2019 all EMA meetings will take place at the Spark building in Amsterdam.
Meetings of the scientific committees will follow the agreed meeting calendar without any changes.
The February meetings of the Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) and the Biologics Working Party will already take place in Amsterdam. These will provide an opportunity to test the facilities in the new premises.
Due to the rather small industry lounge at the SPARK building compared to the current facilities in 30 Churchill Place, a chaperoning system to accompany delegations will be put in place for pharmaceutical companies attending scientific meetings to ensure smooth operation and continuity during these meetings. An adequate number of meeting rooms will be available to grant all meetings necessary. More information will be published shortly.
EMA will continuously monitor, review and adapt its business continuity arrangements as necessary.