Also in this section
In 2022, the NcWP took over the tasks of the former CHMP Safety Working Party (SWP) and also those of the former Non-clinical Working Group (NcWG) from the Paediatric Committee (PDCO).
The NcWP's tasks include:
- providing product-related support when requested by the Scientific Advice Working Party and by EMA Committees such as the CHMP, the PDCO and the Co-ordination group for Mutual recognition and Decentralised procedures - human (CMDh);
- preparing, reviewing and updating guidelines and concept papers;
- European and international co-operation;
- liaising with stakeholders such as pharmaceutical companies and patient and healthcare professional organisations;
- providing training and workshops to assessors.
Mandate, rules of procedure and work programme
The most recent three-year work plans are available below:
The NcWP is composed of European experts nominated by CHMP members, taking into consideration the best available expertise needed to deliver its commitments.
The current members are listed below, in alphabetical order of surname.
Their declarations of interests are available in the European expert list: