
Monday, 24 June 2024, 10:00 (CEST) - 12:30 (CEST)


European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Live broadcast

Event summary

The European Shortages Monitoring Platform (ESMP) Essentials and Industry Reporting Requirements Webinar aims to provide an overview of the ESMP and the information that will be reported through it by the pharmaceutical industry once it is operational.
The event is aimed at all marketing authorisation holders (MAHs) in the EU/EEA. EMA is organising a series of events throughout 2024 and 2025 for all concerned stakeholders to familiarise with ESMP system functionalities. In preparation for the first release of ESMP functionalities in Q4 2024, launching routine shortage reporting of centrally authorised products (CAPs) by MAHs, EMA aims to equip MAHs with all essential insights and information needed to navigate the platform effectively when it is live.
During this session, the ESMP team will explain EMA shortage management processes at EU/EEA level, ESMP milestones and dependencies, and data elements in scope of reporting requirements to EMA through the ESMP. Participants will gain insights on how information on shortages, supply, and demand will be reported to EMA, with a specific focus on MAH reporting requirements, and will have the opportunity to ask questions via Slido.
The webinar will be broadcast live, recorded, and available on this event page shortly after the event.


Kindly note that registration to this event is not mandatory and is now closed. The live broadcast will be accessible via this event page during the scheduled time. Viewers will have the opportunity to ask questions through a dedicated Slido which will be made available during the live broadcast.


Live broadcast : 10:00 -12:30 Amsterdam time (CEST)

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